NEW Four Qul
NEW Four Qul
Fine Art Giclee Print Paper: 310gsm 100% cotton, acid free and OBA free, museum grade fine art paper. Paper size: 254 x 254mm with 10mm border around   These Giclee prints are printed using pigment base ink on high quality archival paper with Fine Art Trade Guild approved equipment. The use of museum grade paper and printing process ensures each print meets the highest standards and lasts longer without fading. All prints are professionally printed by UK base award winning Fine Art print studio with Fine Art Trade Guild approved equipment. You will receive 4 prints (Surah kafiroon, Surah Ikhlas, Surah An-Nas, Surah Al-Falaq ) carefully packed with lots of care and attention. Please allow 1-3 working days for delivery.
£110.00 Add to basket